Love u Miss u Bye

The Loss of Icons and the Fragility of Life

Christi Chanelle Season 1 Episode 37

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Have you ever felt the weight of life's fleeting nature pressing down on you, urging you to make every moment count? Reflecting on the recent losses of Shannen Doherty and Richard Simmons, we delve into the essence of seizing the day and making meaningful choices. I share my own journey of transformation, from feeling stuck in a monotonous corporate job to embarking on coursework to become a transformation coach. We explore the emotional and financial balancing act of preparing for the future while cherishing the present, aiming to inspire action and pursuit of true passions.

Discover how pivotal moments and life's challenges can lead to a deeper sense of purpose, using pain as a guiding force through your journey. We discuss the importance of assessing whether you're truly living your passions in all areas of life, including relationships. I share small victories from growing my podcast and YouTube channel, celebrating perseverance and achievable goals. If you're yearning for fulfillment and contemplating changes for greater happiness, this episode is your call to action. Join our community in sharing your experiences and steps towards a life filled with passion and purpose.

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Speaker 1:

God, I need to do something.

Speaker 1:

I need to keep going. Every day is not promised. Right now I can walk. I feel good. Take advantage of that. Do the thing, and I did, I did the thing. The Lovey Mishy by Podcast. Let's inspire each other. Let's inspire each other. The facts Everyone that knows me and listens to me knows I am not a Trump fan.

Speaker 1:

I will not be voting Trump, but I don't want anything to happen to him. I care about human life. It doesn't matter what line you fall on. As a matter of fact, it's about caring about your neighbor, being kind, not hurting people, not taking away other people's rights. Equality for all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the next heartbreaking thing that happened was Shannon Dow already died today. She was Brenda on 90210 and I grew up watching 90210. I watched her whole career. I was also a huge Charmed fan. That was one of my favorite shows. Yeah, I'm sad, but she was a fighter, a warrior of breast cancer. I'm sure all of us can think or know someone that has struggled with that. I've actually had somebody on my show that is dealing with that. She's a survivor. She's cancer-free right now, but she had to go through all of it and it's a scary thing the survivors that are sitting there watching somebody else pass away from it has got to just take their breath away. You know it's like, could that be me?

Speaker 1:

I also feel how painful that is to watch Richard Simmons passed away. He was an icon, a one and only workout guru, and I don't know if you know what a Mandela effect is, but a Mandela effect is when you have a clear vision of what something used to look like or sound like and years and years later, it seems like that piece of your memory. It's like they wiped it away. It's like it doesn't exist and I doesn't exist. I don't know the conspiracy theorists and all that other stuff, but his Mandela effect was his headband, because we all have this memory of him wearing a headband and then it seems like all the pictures of him and the headband are gone and I remember him with a headband. Do you remember him with a headband? It was like a red headband, right, like I'm not crazy, because I mean there were Halloween costumes, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

We've lost some icons in the last few days and really, you know, when you hear about stuff like that, it really gets you thinking again. It gets you thinking about how quickly life can be taken from you, and what are you doing to better your life right now? What are you doing to make yourself the happiest you can possibly be with these days that you have ahead? You put all your money in savings so that you have money for an emergency, which is really a great thing to do. I'm not knocking that. You know you have a 401k. You take money out of your check and you put it into this 401k so that, when you retire, you have money that you can help you live on. What if you don't make it to get that money out of retirement? What if you don't make it to pull that emergency fund out? It's just. It makes me question everything. Yes, you are being the responsible adult by doing these things, but is it causing you to miss out on living right now, like, is it affecting you not being able to take the trip, buy the shoes, start a business? Just asking a question because it makes me oh God, I need to do something. I need to keep going. Every day is not promised. Right now, I can walk. I feel good. Take advantage of that. Do the thing, and I did. I did the thing. I started coursework to be a transformation coach. Yep, there's so many different certificates I could get and I'm excited about it. I'm really really excited about it. As I go through my classes, I'm going to share the key points that I learned and the hope is that I will be able to start a side business by doing this coaching with clients and hopefully leave corporate, because corporate kind of pissed me off.

Speaker 1:

A lot of things are going on in the economy, including layoffs. Unemployment is rising. It kind of makes you feel stuck a little bit sometimes. Now, I'm not saying I don't like my job. I do. I like my job because of the people that I work with, but I work to make money and to improve myself. I'm constantly want, I'm I constantly want to grow. That's why I left company that I was with for nine and a half years. I felt like I needed growth. So I came here and and with out of doubt, without a doubt, I have gotten that growth a hundred percent and I'm happy I made the move. The only problem is I don't feel like I'm making enough money anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I I talked to you guys about being in the karmic loop. You know there's things that you're being taught. There's things that you, that you need to learn to get out of this karmic loop. For me, it's relationships and it's money. Those are the two big areas in my life that are like get it together, and I think I left my last job to start my journey officially on starting my business. I keep swimming in a circle of the same thing. It's like I left one job just to go to another job to feel exactly the same way.

Speaker 1:

Ultimately, yeah, this job. I mean I enjoy the people I'm with. I feel like I've learned a lot as far as people goes. I think it's helping me propel myself into coaching and just by doing that, naturally with my team, I love it and that's the part of my job that I love.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, this was definitely another puzzle piece to the big puzzle, but I'm still stuck in a corporate job and I just want to get out. I just want to get out. Just want to get out. I just want to get out. I want to set my own hours, which is probably going to be 24 seven, because it's now my own company and you know, if I don't work, we don't make money, and I know that I'm being put in these situations to feel a certain way, to get uncomfortable because it can be so comfortable. In a nine to five job it's just like, okay, routine stability, routine stability, routine stability. Everything's the same and and that can be comforting, that's comfortable. But at the same time I, when I go through those moments of being really just unsatisfied, it reminds me of why I had the dream in the first place to do my own business, and those are good things. So, even though my job itself I have a lot of pitfalls right now I'm just, I'm just struggling with certain aspects of it. It's happening to make me feel a certain way so that I am pushed in the direction that I know I'm supposed to be going in, if that makes sense, and that's kind of how I tend to look at issues and problems.

Speaker 1:

You know, you find the purpose in your pain. I'm going to say that again. You find the purpose in your pain and if you can do that, that will lead you to the next thing that you're supposed to be involved in and you're supposed to do. It's like you know you're, you have a basket and you're collecting the different puzzle pieces along the road, you know. But if you look at those puzzle pieces really in your own life, you can see that those are the areas when you had a split path. Well, I could go this way, or I can go this way, and then that will lead you on your next journey. And then there's another puzzle piece there. And then, if you start to look at all the different puzzle pieces in your basket and you start to put them together, you realize that is my calling. Just takes time and somebody to help you see that those weren't all bad things. Those were your guides and I'm having that right now.

Speaker 1:

And that is what led me to start taking my coursework, because of how I was feeling at my job and I'm not saying that I don't work for a great company, I do. But me, my journey, I'm not being fulfilled, I have too much to do. And then all these deaths that are happening all around us. You know, on this crazy week of seeing all this stuff happen, it's just like another, another thing telling me to do it, to keep going. And if this is happening to you, if right now you're listening to me and you're like, you know what I hate my job. This is not fulfilling me in any way, shape or form. What are you doing about it? Are you listening to the call. Have you figured out your reason? Because it's your intuition.

Speaker 1:

Also, some people, you know, are like I hate my job. And then they get up the next day I hate my job, and then that's all they say is I hate my job. But what is that? What is that really doing for your life? Well, I have to do it because I have to make money, because I have to feed my family and I have to stay here. You don't, though. You don't. I am a single mom. I have to feed my family and I still know you don't have to stay there.

Speaker 1:

If I start this over here and I can make it successful. Yes, that's going to mean I'm working day and night, but I just said I have legs, I can feel, I feel good. Why can't I right now, while I'm able, why can't I? What is more important for me right now? What is more important for you? Is it that show that you're binge watching? Do you just feel tired and just don't feel like it? I mean, those are valid reasons. You just have to decide what's important. You have to decide what to prioritize.

Speaker 1:

So I've taken another step on my journey. So I have the podcast, I have the YouTube channel, which is growing. By the way, I know I set like a goal a while back for it to be 300. By what did I say? January? No, the end of December, 300 followers on YouTube. I'm almost at 150. I was at 150 and then a person or two dropped off and I'm betting. I'm betting it was my ex. You know, I expected that, though. So, yeah, I'm almost halfway. This is good. This is good. We'll take the little victories.

Speaker 1:

I will share a bunch of things that are going on and let you know how I'm doing, but I think the overall picture right now is what are you doing? Feel free to tell me in the comments what you've done to propel yourself in the direction you should be in, or are you already there? Are you living your dream? Are you living in your passion? You know this isn't just about career. This is also about what you want for your life. As far as your relationships, are they feeding you? If they're not, you need to make some changes and if you're, you're upset with the relationships you have. You control that. Are you sad that you're single? Are you doing anything to change it, that you're single? Are you doing anything to change it? Yeah, I know you don't like the dating apps. I don't like the dating apps either, but I'm gonna try them. You know there are success stories and you control it All.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm off my soapbox, send me a text you know it's right there in the show notes. Let me know what you're doing to change your life. Let me know if you're happy, if you're living a life of happiness, because ultimately that's what we all want. And if you are, tell me your, your tricks, tell me your tips. I want to know, I want to be happy. I'm I'm pretty happy. I'm a pretty happy person. I do have my moments and I just have to fix them. I will talk to you soon. Love you, miss you.

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